Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Internet Singkat

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Internet Usage - Segala sesuatu pasti memiliki dampak baik dan buruk bagi kehidupan manusia. Misalnya seperti efek pada kesehatan, kebersihan, lingkungan, dan tentang kehidupan manusia lainnya. Begitu pula pada internet yang berdampak positif dan negatif bagi kita. Namun, terkadang masih banyak orang yang belum sadar akan bahaya internet. Salah satu media dalam mengajak teman kita untuk sadar akan bahaya internet adalah dengan menyampaikan pidato dalam bahasa inggris tentang internet. Selain itu pidato bahasa inggris dapat membantu kita dalam meningkatkna kemampuan speaking. Oleh karena itu saya akan memberi salah satu dari kumpulan naskah pidato. Berikut ini contoh pidato bahasa inggris singkat tentang internet.

Teks Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Internet Usage

The Effects Of Internet

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, thank you for allowing me to stand here and share an interesting topic that is clearly relevant to be considered critically as our daily activities. Well, in this occasion today, I would like to discuss about the positive and negative effects of using internet.

As we know that internet have been successfully spread, grown, and connected billions of people on the earth, there are some changes that are clearly affected our social lives included culture, education, and some others aspects. Some of them merely have led us into positive sides in our environments whereas the negative sides also peacefully travels around accompanied them. If we go back to the past, we may be able to find that there are not really much things we recognize as positive and negative effects as appears today. We can also clearly distinguish which one is positive and which one is negative. Therefore, we could simply advise and forbid to do and not do something when using internet. Unfortunately, the era has changed and we should pay more attention to the progress of the development internet contents specifically and comprehensively in order to enrich our knowledge about which is positive or negative effect from internet.
Let us start with the positive one. The most dominant and well-known positive effect of internet is its simplicity in finding information we need. People just need to type what they want to know on the search engine and there will be thousands of websites offering the information they looking for. It is very useful for people especially students to learn what they want to learn, so that they could study autodidact. For the example, students could search an article of the subject where there is no library in the school, farmers could search how to plant and use their farm intensively, and musicians could practice by following the uploaded tutorial videos on the internet. Then, the other positive effect is people could earn some money from the internet. It is still less common in Indonesia where mostly people still enjoy the internet as the consumer. The most well known alive successful person in using the internet as website developer is Mark Zuckerberg, the founding of facebook. He gets much money mostly from the advertisements in his website that is accessed by billions people on this earth. 

Contrastly, there are also negative effects of using internet. The most dominant and well-known positive effect of internet is the internet also contains bad contents that are accessible for anyone even kids like bullying, sadism, violence and etc. These contents clearly lead and affect the mental of people especially kids and we could see the increasing cases of immoral deed, marriage at under age, abortion, etc. The most shocking cases comes from the fact that nowadays a minor of junior high schools students have had immoral habits and even lost their virginity. The other bad effect generally comes from education sides. Today we could find students just copy and paste the article from internet for its assignment that leads into the plagiarism.

Finally, we have to distinguish the content of the internet keep eye on it because there will always a development that brings changes in our life. This is the end of my speech, thank you very much for your attention.

Demikian contoh singkat mengenai pidato dalam bahasa inggris tentang internet. Dengan melihat naskah pendek diatas semoga dapat membantu kamu meningkatkan kemampuan. Cek juga beberapa kumpulan pidato bahasa inggris lainnya
Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Internet Singkat | Unknown | 5


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