Contoh Story Telling Sangkuriang (Tangkuban Perahu)

Contoh story telling Sangkuriang - Pastinya kita sudah tidak asing lagi dengan cerita Sangkuriang? Itu lho cerita rakyat dari Bandung, yang sekarang menjadi tempat wisata Tangkuban Perahu, nah itu konon katanya berasal dari cerita leganda Sangkuriang. Lantas bagaimana ya apabila cerita tersebut kita jadikan teks story telling? Pastinya sangat seru dan bermanfaat. Karena dengan menceritakannya, berarti kita juga ikut menjaganya. Karena akhir-akhir ini anak-anak lebih tertarik dengan cerita-cerita impor. Macam Upin Ipin, Bobo Boy, cinderella, snow white, dan masih banyak sekali. Nah berikut ini adalah contoh story telling Sangkuriang, yuk dibaca.

Contoh Story Telling Sangkuriang (Tangkuban Perahu)

Contoh Story Telling Sangkuriang (Tangkuban Perahu)

Once upon time ago, there was a story of beautiful princess in West Java called Dayang Sumbi. She had a son named Sangkuriang who very loved to hunt in the forest. He usually accompanied by his dog-called Tumang, the famous pet of palace. However, unfortunately, Sangkuriang did not know if the dog was the transformation of his father who also the God.

One day, Sangkuriang left the palace to hunt in the forest accompanied Tumang. He looked deep to the forest, searching his lovely target. Then he saw a rabbit and ordered Tumang to chase it but Tumang did not obey him. Sangkuriang felt so angry and then shouted and kicked his dog. Tumang left him soon and went tp the forest because his rudeness.

Sangkuriang then went back to the palace and he told his mother about what happened between him and Tumang when they were hunting in the forest. Surprisingly, Dayang Sumbi became so angry and got mad at him because Tumang actually was his husband. Uncontrolled emotion led her into madness and she did not realize that she hit Sangkuriang head with rice spoon. Sangkuriang was injured and felt very disappointed because her mother got mad only because a dog. Then he decided to leave the palace and started his own journey.

After that accident, Dayang Sumbi felt so disappointed at herself realizing that her son left him in pain. She locked herself at her room and kept praying until one day God gave her a gift. She will always be young and got an immortal beauty.

After the long journey he had spent, Sangkuriang finally thought that he wanted to back to his motherland. Then when he arrived there, the palace was completely change. However, she met a very beautiful woman who was actually Dayang Sumbi. Surprisingly, they could not recognize each other after the long time they had separated. Interesting by the beauty of the woman, Sangkuriang decided to propose her. Then Dayang Sumbi accepted his proposal because Sangkuriang had grown up as a handsome man.

One day, Sangkuriang told Dayang Sumbi that he would go to hunt. He asked her to tie his head bandage. Then Dayang Sumbi was so surprised seeing the mark of scar on the head of her man. The scar was exactly same with his son had who had been lost since a long time ago. After recognizing the face, she realized that if he was her son that made her so shocked and afraid.

Then she asked him to make a dam to hold Citarum River and a big boat to across it. Al of her request must be finished before the sun arisen in the morning. Then with his power, Sangkuriang tried to finish them by the help of mystical creature. Unfortunately, Dayang Sumbi cheated him by trying to make a dawn. Sangkuriang got mad realizing that his struggle failed. Then he kicked the boat and break down the dam. The boat was rolled back and become Tangkuban Perahu mountain.

Itulah contoh story telling Sangkuriang, semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih
Contoh Story Telling Sangkuriang (Tangkuban Perahu) | Unknown | 5


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