Contoh Story Telling Bahasa Inggris Snow White Terbaik

Contoh story telling singkat Snow White - Hampir seluruh fairy tale atau dongeng dari luar negeri menjadi sangat terkenal setelah Walt Disney Pictures memproduseri film-film tersebut. Siapa sih yang tidak kenal dengan cerita cinderella? Bahkan tepat pada tanggal 13 maret 2015 telah rilis film cinderella terbaru. Masih banyak sekali film-film Walt Disney yang diadopsi dari cerita dongeng. Salah satunya adalah Snow White. 

Nah, cerita dongeng tersebut semakin digemari untuk dijadikan bahan pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Seperti dijadikan teks story telling pendek. Hmm, lantas bagaimana ya jika saya memberikan contoh story telling singkat snow white terbaru? Tentunya dengan gaya bahasa yang menyenangkan dan mudah dimengerti.. Tertarik untuk membacanya? Yuk langsung kita simak bersama.

Contoh Story Telling Bahasa Inggris Snow White Terbaik

Story Telling Bahasa Inggris Snow White Terbaik

Once upon a time, in a great palace, there was a beautiful princess. Snow white was very beautiful girl. She had blue eyes and a black hair. Her skin was so white that she was called a Snow white.. Snow White had a stepmother who was always jealous of Snow White's beauty. Her stepmother was also very beautiful. She also had a magic miror which always said honestly every time it was questioned.

One day, her stepmother asked the magic mirror 

"O magic mirror, who is the most beautiful in the country?"
The magic mirror answered, "Snow White, she is the prettiest girl".

Hearing the mirror's answer, she got angry. Then she asked the waiter for her beliefs to bring Snow White into the woods, away from the palace and kill her. But the waitress did not kill Snow White, he let the innocent little girl go.

Snow White was alone and scared. she did not know where she should go. But suddenly she saw a quaint little cottage. She wondered who lived there, then she decided to get into the cabin. In the cabin, there were 7 beds and a kitchen. Snow White was very tired to see the contents of the cottage, and suddenly she fell asleep. The seven dwarfs went home in the afternoon. They were so surprised to see there was a beautiful girl sleeping at their cabin. One of them wake her up and asked her who she was. Snow White told them her sad story. The seven dwarfs understood the feelings and asked her to stay with them in the cabin.

While in the palace, the waiter came back and told the stepmother that Snow White had died. Then stepmother asked once again the magic mirror.

"O magic mirror, who is the most beautiful in the country?". 
 "Snow White who lived in a small hut with the seven dwarfs is the prettiest one". The magic mirror answered. 

So the stepmother got angry and she was planning something bad for Snow White. Then she disguised herself as an old woman who sold a basket of poisoning apple and went to the cottage. The seven dwarfs warned Snow White not to open the door to strangers.

Her stepmother finally arrived to the hut and began offering Snow White a basket of apple that she brought. Snow White remembered the dwarf's advice, so she refused to open the door. But her stepmother kept persuading her. Snow white finally opened the door and bought the apple then she ate it. After eating it, Snow white fell down unconsciously.

In the evening, when the seven dwarfs came home, they were surprised by Snow White lying on the floor with a pale face and a poisoned apple beside her. The seventh dwarf was so sad to see Snow White dying but not dead. Then the seven dwarfs decided to make a beautiful bed made of crystal to make Snow White kept alive.

Day after day, seven dwarfs were waiting for a miracle to come when Snow White awakened. Then one day, there was a traveler who was actually a prince of a kingdom far saw a beautiful woman laid on a bed of crystal. He asked the dwarf what happened and the dwarf told him the story.

Hearing the story of Snow White, the prince decided to take her to the palace and asked a doctor to heal her. Then the prince kissed her to show his intentions. But suddenly Snow White came back to life. The fact was that the prince's kiss destroyed the evil spell. Then the prince asked Snow White to marry him.

From that day, Snow White lived happily in a big castle. But from time to time, she often returned to visit a small cottage in the woods belonging to seven dwarfs she loved.

Nah itulah contoh story telling Snow White dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih.
Contoh Story Telling Bahasa Inggris Snow White Terbaik | Unknown | 5


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