Contoh explanation text about flood (tentang banjir) - Di Indonesia, banjir bak menjadi selebritis papan atas. Setiap tahun banjir selalu menghiasi media Indonesia, khususnya di bulan Desember sampai awal tahun. Lantas apa penyebab utama banjir dan bagaimana proses terjadinya banjir tersebut? Disini saya akan mencoba menjelaskannya dengan menggunakan contoh explanation text about flood (tentang banjir). Dalam contoh explanation text singkat ini, saya akan memberikan penyebab dan proses terjadinya banjir. Contoh explanation text pada umumnya mencakup beberapa tema. Anyway, sudah mengerti apa itu teks explanation? Kalau masih belum faham, silakan baca lagi artikel kami disini: Pengertian dan contoh explanation text. Yaudah langsung saja kita simak contoh explanation text about flood nya yuk.
Contoh explanation text about flood
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Contoh explanation text about flood (tentang banjir)
Floods in Indonesia is a complex problem, especially in densely populated major cities, such as Jakarta. Flooding problems must be solved so that its effects do not damage and harm the society. But we cannot put the responsibility of it only to the government. Because the society have a huge role to resolve the flooding problem.
Flood in Jakarta is caused by the lower geographical location of Jakarta. In addition, the population density in Jakarta is also very high. This causes the vacant land converted to residential land, so there is no place to the water absorption. Littering by citizens into rivers, thus blocking the flow of the river. Those three points are the main cause of flood attacking Jakarta when the rains come.
To prevent and cope flood cannot be done by any government or individual person only. It takes commitment and cooperation of various parties to avoid Jakarta and other Indonesian cities from the great flood.
The actions that can be done include:
• Discard the water uptake holes
• Increase the green open spaces
• Changing people's behavior in order to no longer make the river as a giant trash
Elevating houses can indeed save our property when the flood happened, but we do not prevent flooding again. Human induce flooding, we must solve it together to save the city. Save Jakarta from major flooding not only because it means saving private property, but also to save the face of this nation in the eyes of the world.
Participation of all elements of society should be done in an organized and coordinated in order to run effectively. A community organization should take action early and organize community participation in flood prevention. Flood prevention is done in stages, from prevention before the flood handling during floods, and recovery after the flood. These stages are in a cycle of continuous flood prevention activities, flood prevention activities follow a cycle (life cycle), which starts from the flood, then studying it as input for the prevention before the flood occurred back. Prevention is done thoroughly, in the form of physical activity such as the construction of flood control in the basic until the flood plain areas and non-physical activities such as management of land use to flood early warning system.
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