Contoh Explanation Text about Tsunami Terbaru

Contoh explanation text about tsunami - Seperti yang telah kita pelajari bersama tentang explanation text, atau dalam bahasa Indonesia biasa disebut dengan teks eksplanasi, bahwa fungsi utama dari teks eksplanasi adalah untuk menjelaskan proses terjadinya suatu peristiwa yang umumnya bersifat kejadian alam (natural phenomenon). Dalam artikel sebelumnya saya telah banyak memberikan contoh explanation text singkat seperti proses terjadinya hujan (rain), pelangi (rainbow), banjir (flood), dan juga tentang global warming. Lantas bagaimana cara menyusun atau membuat explanation text sesuai dengan generic structurenya? Silakan baca artikel kami sebelumnya: Penjelasan lengkap explanation text dan contohnya. Dalam artikel tersebut sudah dijelaskan secara detail cara menyusun teks eksplanasi yang baik dan benar.

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Contoh Explanation Text about Tsunami Terbaru

Contoh Explanation Text about Tsunami Terbaru

The term tsunami comes from Japan. Tsu means harbour and nami means wave. It is different from ordinary wave. The tsunami does not simply come from wind generated the surface of the sea and the characteristic is very different from ordinary wave where tsunami seems like a huge wave consisted of a large volume of water. It comes rapidly in a series of huge and high wave that could be tens of meters with periods ranging from minutes to hours. 

The power of tsunami leads this wave into its popularity instead the damage created by this wave leaves sorrow. There is almost nothing left when this wave destroys everything on its travel way. Buildings, vehicles, parks, electricity installation, and etc. can be smashed easily only at once when the wave travels on it. Tsunami also gets thousand victims when approaches in crowded buildings on coastal where many people live and stick here. In fact, tsunami could travels at 950km/h in deep water. So that, it is clearly a deadly wave and Indonesia has bad experience with it where Aceh was the most province got the devastated region struck. It was the real fact Indonesian faced in 2004 where thousands people killed and there were nothing left but some buildings like mosque. On the other hand, generally there are two tsunamis cause damage mechanism: the destruction power by the wall of water spreading at a high speed, and the destruction by the power of huge volume water against everything it meets.

Generally, tsunami comes from the displacement of a substantial volume of water. There are some causes of the displacement that earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and glacier mostly contributed. In the earthquakes case, tsunami comes when overriding plate stuck and then the stuck area ruptures that give a power to the water to move and spread along its travel way. So that, this unnoticed wave could possibly happen when the earthquakes start in the coastal area. Contrarily, A huge landslide near the sea or lake can give a powerful power for water to start its movement. It was confirmed in 1958, there was an enormous landslide in Lituya Bay, Alaska where the wave had a height of 524 meters. At the last, generally tsunami comes from the movement of massive displacement water whatever it comes from.

 There are some scales to represent how powerful the tsunami is. The first is the Sieberg-Ambraseys scale, used in Mediterranean Sea and the Imamura-lida intensity scale, used in the Pacific Ocean that are usually used to measure the strength of tsunami. Besides that,  Soloviev modify the latter scale that is known as Soloviev-Imamura tsunami intensity scale that is recently used in the global tsunami catalogues compiled by NGDC/NOAA.

A tsunami cannot be exactly predicted even the magnitude and the location of an earthquake is detected. So that the scientist could not easily issue whether there will be a tsunami or not when there is an earthquake happened. However, there are some system warning in some countries that is used to detect and provide warnings immediately after an earthquake. One of the example is the deep water buoys used in the DART tsunami system which constantly monitor the pressure of the overlying water column.

Itulah contoh explanation text tsunami yang bisa saya berikan. Semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih.
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