Cerita Menarik Kancil dan Siput Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Once upon time ago, there was a smart and cheerful animal called Kancil that loved cucumber so much. He was ultimately clever so that he could steal many cucumbers from Pak Tani who was the owner of the field easily. Kancil could run very fast which made him was difficult to be caught and the trap set for him did not work too much. Well, Kancil became so proud and rude because of his ability. He thought that there were no one can conquer his speed and clever.

One day, he walked around the forest and declare that he was the smartest and fastest animal that no one can defeat him. Every animal believed it and respect him so much remembering how good his track record for years. No one doubted it until a snail called Siput defeated him.

The competition between them started when Kancil ignored Siput and shew his rudeness that he was only the cleverest animal in the forest. He said that Siput was too tiny and slow to defeat him when Siput asked him to compete in marathon. It made Siput felt hurt so much and started to make a plan. A very perfect and genius plan.
Siput gathered much of his friends.

They looked so similar that made them cannot be distinguished easily. Siput thought that if it was his strength to win the competition. Then he started with exploding his kind spirit by saying that Kancil was ignored and looked down at them as snails. So that they must stand and walk together, believing that they were unbeatable when gathered together as a unity. Well, everything was possible when it done together.

He asked his friend to spread along the track and must be shouted when Kancil called him pretending that they were the real Siput. All of his kind understood and got ready in their position.

The day of competition came and all of the audience came to see the most spectacular event where Siput tried to defeat Kancil. Kancil came with his pride and said that Siput could run first but surprisingly Siput mocked at him by saying that Kancil was slower than him. Kancil quickly got mad and ran very fast leaving Siput far away behind him. He ran and ran and felt satisfied realizing that Siput could not approach him. Then with his pride, he shouted loudly asking where was the Siput. He thought that Siput was behind him but there was an answer in front of him. KancilKancil saw a snail and ran faster realizing that Siput could defeat him. Then he got frustated when several times he shouted, there would always be the answers. Finally he could not continue the competition because he felt so tired.

Siput and his friends reached him and Kancil was so surprised realizing how clever the snails were. Then Kancil became so humble and apologized for all the animal he had ignored. At the last, Siput and Kancil became friend and there were no more animals that looked down at the snails family. They respect each other and lived together happily.
Cerita Menarik Kancil dan Siput Dalam Bahasa Inggris | Unknown | 5


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