Contoh Explanation Text about Earthquake (Gempa Bumi) Terbaru

Contoh explanation text about earthquake - Dalam artikel kali ini saya akan berbagi contoh artikel tentang gempa bumi. Anyway, masih ingat gak ya apa itu explanation text? Dalam bahasa Indonesia biasa disebut dengan kalimat atau paragraf eksplanasi, lupa? Yaudah silakan dibaca dulu artikel tentang pengertian explanation text ya. Karena dalam artikel ini saya hanya akan memberi contoh teksnya saja. Seperti yang sudah kita bahas. Bahwa teks eksplanasi adalah kalimat yang memaparkan atau menjelaskan sesuatu secara detail, baik berupa proses, sebab akibat etc.
Contoh Explanation Text about Earthquake (Gempa Bumi)

Contoh Explanation Text about Earthquake (Gempa Bumi)

One of the most dangerous disasters for human being is earthquake. We all know that it has been noticed that powerful earthquake could destroy and sweep the entire thing on the surface only in one time quickly. Earthquake is the vibrations on the surface of earth, which is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic effect. The seismic movement of a region mentions to the regularity, category and range of earthquakes noticed over a period of time.

At the Earth's face, earthquakes noticeable themselves by shaking and sometimes change of the ground. It is very dangerous when the effects are not only destruction by the earthquake itself but also the generated disaster.  When the epicenter of a large earthquake is located offshore, the tsunami might be happened. Earthquakes can also produce landslides, and irregularly volcanic movement. For the example, tsunami in Aceh was firstly led by earthquake where people did not have any experienced before and finally the huge wave traveled along the shore destroying everything.

Commonly, the word earthquake is used to express any seismic event — whether natural or caused by humans — that generates seismic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by break of geological thing, but also by other events such as mountain eruption activity, displacement of land, explosion and etc. Hypo center  is an earthquake's spot of first crack is called its core whereas epicenter is precisely located above it. The example from natural causes are tectonic and volcanic earthquake. The earthquake that comes from the displacement or movement of continental plate usually called tectonic earthquake. Fault commonly noticed in three primary forms where those forms have possibility which may create earthquake: normal, reverse (thrust) and strike-slip. Briefly, volcanic earthquake comes from the activity of an active mountain. We can see that there will be many earthquake created when an eruption of volcanic mountain happens. However, an earthquake could be possibly created from human activities like the explosion in the mining, nuclear trial, and bomb where the vibrations spread and affect the other things.

An Earthquake usually measured by Richter scale. The Richter scale assigns a level number to calculate the energy released by an earthquake that the scale is a base-10 logarithmic scale The Richter scale was defined in 1935 for particular circumstances and instruments; the particular circumstances refer to it being defined for Southern California. The Richter scales measures the energy released by an earthquake. As calculated with a seismograph, an earthquake noticed 5.0 in the Richter scale has trembling amplitude 10 times that of an earthquake that registered 4.0.

Earthquake early warning systems use earthquake discipline and the equipment of monitoring systems to alert plans and people when shaking waves generated by an earthquake are probable to arrive at their location. ShakeAlert, CISN, and ANSS are the example system. Nowadays, every Government tries to make a good system for evacuation when earthquake happens. Usually, for the area which is the earthquake is often appeared there are many alternatives way or path for people to save their life.

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