Teks Story Telling Pinokio Pendek Dan Singkat Bahasa Inggris

Story Telling Pinokio - Berbagi contoh teks story telling dalam bahasa inggris pendek dan singkat tentang pinokio. Sebagai pelajar menguasai kemampuan speaking adalah suatu keharusan. Dalam melatih skill ini ada beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan. Salah satunya dengan menyampaikan cerita bahasa inggris dengan berbicara. Ini sering disebut dengan nama story telling. Saat melakuakan ini kamu harus menguasai terlebih dahulu ceritanya. Misalnya jika ingin menyampaikan story telling pinokio. Kamu kamu harus terlebih dahulu mengetahui dan menguasai tentang cerita pinokio bahasa inggris. Meskipun kamu sudah mengetahui certia tersebut. Belum tentu kamu dapat dengan lancar menyampaikan story telling. Karena dibutuhkan kemampuan berbicara yang baik dan persiapan storytelling yang matang. Untuk kamu yang membutuhkan dan sedang dalam tahap persiapan. Saya akan memberi contoh teks story telling pinokio pendek.
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Untuk membuat teks story telling tentang pinokio sebenarnya tidak sulit. Kamu hanya perlu mencari contoh cerita pinokio lalu merangkum kedalam bahasa kamu sendiri. Sangat penting untuk diketahui dalam bercerita kamu tidak boleh hanya sekedar membaca. Karena yang namanya bercerita kamu harus benar-benar berusaha untuk menyampaikan cerita secara lisan dan bukan membaca. Oleh karena itu seperti yang saya bilang diatas. Kamu harus melakukan persiapan khusus sebelum melakukannya. Kamu dapat membuat teks story telling bahasa inggris terlebih dahulu. Lalu mencoba latihan dengan speaking dengan cerita tersebut. Jika kamu hanya sekedar menghafal dan membaca saja. Maka mustahil kamu akan berhasil menyampaikannya. Berikut ini contoh teks story telling pinokio pendek dalam bahasa inggris.

Teks Story Telling Pinokio Pendek Dan Singkat

Once upon a time, there was an old man called Gepettok. He lived in a forest alone. He always wanted to have a son someday. Unfortunately, he never got a son whom he always dreamed about.

There was nothing special in his life. Every day, he went to forest for cutting the woods. Then, he sold the woods for town's people. One day, he has an idea to make a puppet. Then, there was a gift from God. The puppet turned alive in the night after he made it. 

"Father!" Sadi Pinokio
"Oh my god, it is a miracle, you turn alive. Thank god for granting my wish." Said Gepettok

One year later, Pinokio wanted to learn at school.

"Father, I want to study at school. I need a book, can you give me?" Said Pinokio.

Then, Gepettok sold his coat to buy a book for his son.

"Here is your book. You can go to the school now."

One day, Pinokio went to school. In the middle of his way, he found a puppet show. He saw a man played a puppet on the stage. 

Pinokio said, "It is easy. I can do better than that."

Then, he jumped to the stage and danced. The puppet master didn't like him. But not for the audience. They like Pinokio's dancing. Even there were more people came to his show. So, he was grateful to Pinokio. He gave Pinokio some gold.

"Thank you for the golds, sir. I will buy a new coat for my father." said him.

Pinokio went home with a smile in his face. He didn't go to the school. On the way home, He didn't realize that there were a fox and cat hunted for his gold. 

"Boy, can we talk to you. I have a secret. I can double your gold if you want." Said fox and cat.
"Really? Please double it, sir." Pinokio asked.
"Okay, you have to put your gold in front of that tree. Then, you have to sleep. When you wake up, the gold will be doubled." Asked them to Pinokio.

Then, Pinokio did what they asked. When he woke up. He found his body tied on the tree. He was crying until a fairy came to him.

"Poor boy, I will save you. But you have to drink this juice first." Said fairy.

Without hesitation, he drank the juice. Then, the fairy saved him.

"Now, I want to ask you. Did you go to the school today?" Fairy asked.
"Yes, I did."

At the time he lied, Pinokio's nose became longer.

"Don't lie to me boy because every time you lie, your nose will became longer. You can lie as you like if you want to have a long nose!" Said fairy.
"Please forgive me, I won't lie again. I promise." He begged.

So, the fairy released her magic to make his nose normal again. She asked Pinokio to go home. On the home, he met his father.

"My son, how about your school today?"
"It was good, father. I learned many new things in school."

Pinokio wondered why his nose didn't turn longer when he lied to his father. He thought the fairy's magic didn't affect to him anymore. On the next day, he went to the school. Just like yesterday, he didn't go to school again. He came to the amusement park on the middle way. 

After one hour of playing in the park, he decide to go home. Suddenly, he became a donkey. The man on the amusement park saw him. He made him as a circus animal.

His father worried about him and wondered why his son didn't come back on time. So, he tried to find him. Until, he came to the amusement park. He went to the circus and saw a donkey which was Pinokio.

"Excuse me sir, can I see that donkey. Why it is crying? I wonder about this donkey. It look like my son." Said Gepettok.
"It is impossible sir, It is a donkey!" said the man.
"No, I am sure now. It was my son, Pinokio. What happened to you, son?"

Pinokio could not answer his father. He could do anything except crying. Then, the fairy appeared again. She talked to Pinokio and turned him into a human again.

"I have told you son, do not lie!" You have broken your promise."
"Please, forgive me fairy. I am very regretful. If you find me lie again, you can turn me into anything. But, please forgive me this time. I swear to the god, I will never lie again" Asked him

Then, he turned into human. He was happy and promised never lied again. So, he came to home with his father. In the end, he always went to the school and never broke his promise.

Demikian teks story telling pinokio pendek dalam bahasa inggris. Setelah melihat contoh storytelling singkat ini. Semoga kamu dapat menambah kemampuan speaking dan dapat menyampaikan cerita secara lisan kepada orang. 
Teks Story Telling Pinokio Pendek Dan Singkat Bahasa Inggris | Unknown | 5


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