Contoh Narrative Text Legend Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Narrative Text Legend - Berbagi cerita teks narrative dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya tentang legenda atau dongeng Indonesia. Dalam pelajaran reading para pelajar akan belajar tentang narratif. Tidak hanya dalam bahasa indonesia saja. Di bahasa inggris kita juga mengenal tentang text narrative legend. Salah satu text ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pembaca suatu cerita. Kebanyakan guru di negara kita akan memberikan cerita legenda atau dongeng untuk dipelajari oleh murid mereka. Hal ini dikarenakan memang negara kita yang memiliki keanekaragaman budaya sehingga melahirkan banyak cerita di setiap daerahnya. Kita sebut saja daerah sumtra yang terkenal dengan legenda sangkuriang dan danau toba. Lalu jika kita bergeser ke pulau jawa maka akan ada legenda tangkuban perahu dan begitu juga provinsi lainnya. Oleh karena itu, saya berminat untuk memberikan contoh narrative text legend dalam bahasa inggris untuk kamu.

Sebelum memberikan contoh narrative text legend atau dongeng Indonesia ini. Alangkah lebih baiknya jika kam mengetahui terlebih dahulu apa pengertian teks narrative itu. Didalam text ini kamu pasti akan membaca kalimat simple past tense karena kejadian memang telah terjadi. Ciri khas lainnya adalah adanya konflik dan penyelesaian. Jadi jangan heran jika sering kita temui contoh yang cukup lumayan panjang. Namun tidak perlu khawatir karena untuk contoh yang satu ini saya akan merangkum dan menjadikan lebih singkat. Sehingga kamu akan medapatkan narrative teks pendek untuk lebih mudah dibaca dan dipelajari. Berikut ini narrative text legend bahasa inggris.

Contoh Narrative Text Legend Dalam Bahasa Inggris

The Legend Of Banyuwangi River

Long time ago, there was a king ruled a big kingdom in East Java. His name was Prabu Menak Prakoso. The king realized that he must expanded his territory to Bali island. So, he and his troops invaded a kingdom in Klungkung, Bali. He was success in invading the kingdom. He killed the king. Yet, the king's son and daughter survived and ran into the forest. The son's name was Agung Bagus Mantra and the daughter's name was Made Surati.

Prabu Menak had a charming son named Raden Banterang. One day, Banterang went to jungle for hunting. In the jungle, he met king of Klungkung's daughter, Made Surati. He amazed with the beauty of Surati. Then, Surati was taken by him to the kingdom. Several months later, he made Surati as his wife. They lived a happy life together in Kingdom.

One day, Surati went to market to buy some foods. In the market, she was shocked when she met some beggars. She was more surprised when she realized one of the beggars was his brother, Agung Bagus. She asked Bagus to live in Kingdom. But, Bagus rejected her idea because he found that Surati was the prince's wife who killed and ruined his kingdom. Instead of accepting Surati's request, he asked her to kill Raden Banterang, Yet, Surati declined his idea to kill her husband.

Then, Bagus was angry with her. He thought Surati as a traitor and no longer as her sister. So, he had an idea to kill his Surati. He made up an issue that Surati had an affair with another man. Banterang believed with this issue. He was angry to his wife. He asked Surati to tell the truth. Surati tried to explain the situation. She told his husband that she wasn't lie to him. But, Banterang did not believe her. Then, Surati told that his brother had made this issue to kill her. She also explained that she is a daughter of King Kulungkung. Banterang became more angrier when he knew this truth. He took his dagger and tried to kill Surati.

Surati asked a wish just before Banterang took his dagger. She wanted Banterang to throw her body into the river after he killed her. She wanted to prove that she was not lie. She said to Banterang if after he threw her body into the river and it smelled terrible, it meant she was lie. However, if the river smelled fragrant after her dead body was thrown. It meant she was innocent.

Without hesitation, Banderang killed Surati. After he killed her, he kept Surati's wish. He threw her into dirty black river. Suddenly, the color of the river turned into the glass color and became clean. He could also smell fragrant from the river. He realized that his wife was not lie and innocent. He was angry and screamed like a crazy person. Then, Banterang decided to suicide and threw himself to river.

This is the legend of Banyuwangi River. Banyu is a Javanese word that meant water or river. Wangi meant fragrant. Banyuwangi legend was born as a proof of love sacrifice. Until now, people name this rives as Banyuwangi.

Demikian contoh narrative text legend dalam bahasa inggris ini. Setelah melihat teks narrative yang pendek dan singkat tentang legenda atau dongeng Indonesia tersebut. Semoga kamu semakin menguasai salah satu reading text ini.
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