Contoh Hortatory Exposition Bahasa Inggris Terbaru dan Artinya

hortatory exposition bahasa Inggris terbaru - Hortatory exposition adalah teks bahasa Inggris yang membahas suatu topik berdasarkan satu sudut pandang saja (pro atau kontra) dengan tujuan mempengaruhi si pembaca untuk mengikuti pendapat si penulis. Misalnya contoh hortatory exposition about smoking, kita memaparkan tentang pendapat kita apakah setuju atau tidak dengan adanya peraturan larangan merokok. Dan di paragraf terakhir kita mengajak pembaca untuk mengikuti ide yang kita paparkan. Untuk lebih jelasnya silakan baca artikel tentang definisi hortatory exposition beserta tujuan dan generic structure nya disini: Pengertian hortatory exposition.

Dalam artikel ini saya hanya akan memberikan contoh hortatory exposition about national exam. Pada dasarnya ada banyak sekali topik yang bisa dijadikan contoh hortatory exposition text, misalnya hortatory exposition tentang lingkungan, global warming, atau hanya sekedar contoh hortatory exposition singkat. Berikut ini adalah contoh hortatory exposition about national exam yang diambil dari sudut pandang kontra.

Contoh hortatory exposition bahasa Inggris terbaru

Contoh hortatory exposition bahasa Inggris

Contoh Hortatory Exposition about National Exam

Since the government decided to hold the national exam for the first time, it has caused a great deal of controversy because it is used as a single criterion  for students to graduate from schools. As a prerequisite of graduation, students must master the chosen subjects, such as math, Indonesian language, English as a main subject. for students majoring in science, must cram the material such as chemistry, physics, and biology. As for the Social Sciences students, they must master Economics, geography, and sociology. Moreover, they must have score above  4.25 for those subjects and average scores above 5.5 for all subjects. For some reasons I personally disagree with the existence of National exam. It must be ended soon.

First, the national exam will only, encourage schools to give tasks, which develop students's ability to answer some typical questions. It will only benefit students who are good at exam rather than students who comprehend the subjects better or have the ability in subjects out of the chosen ones. It has strayed too far from the objective of learning, which is to develop three aspects; student's cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspect. 

second, I personally believe that national exam can only be used for evaluating our education system and determine its weakness. It will never be fair for the students since they have different interest and ability in some subjects. In addition, the education quality of schools in Indonesia do not have the same level or quality. we can not generalize the quality of the schools in the city and in the village. They certainly have different qualities. 

Consequently, there are a massive fouls in the day of national exam held. The school which students are not ready to do the national exams rely on the teacher to do it. This is a normal and reasonable case since the government evade the fact of the national examination system is failed.

From the fact mentioned, it is obviously that the national exam does not fit for our education system. While the students' success in learning cannot be determined solely by only one test. Therefore, the government should drop the national examination. 

Itulah contoh hortatory exposition bahasa Inggris terbaru tentang national exam. Apabila masih kesulitan dalam mengartikannya, silakan tulis di kolom komentar ya. Jangan lupa baca juga artikel bahasa Inggris berbagai tema lainnya disini: Kumpulan artikel bahasa Inggris berbagai tema. Semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih.

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