Contoh Analytical Exposition Bahasa Inggris Terbaru dan Artinya

Contoh analytical exposition bahasa Inggrs terbaru - Setelah mempelajari contoh hortatory exposition, sekarang kita akan belajar contoh analytical exposition. Ada kesamaan dalam pengertian teks analytical exposition dengan teks hotatory exposition. Yup, sama-sama untuk menyampaikan ide kita tentang suatu topik dengan tujuan mempengaruhi pembaca. Lantas apa sih perbedaannya? Lihat disini saja ya: Perbedaan Analytical dan hortatory exposition. Biar di sini kita fokus ke contoh analytical exposition saja.

Topik dari contoh teks analytical exposition sangatlah beragam. Intinya topik tersebut bersifat sangat penting untuk diketahui oleh masyarakat umum. Misalnya saja contoh analytical exposition about pollution, tentang lingkungan, tentang pendidikan, tentang facebook, tentang televisi, tentang sampah, tentang kebersihan, dan masih banyak lagi. Nah khusus dalam artikel ini, saya akan memberikan contoh analytical exposition about television

Contoh Analytical Exposition Bahasa Inggris Terbaru
contoh analytical exposition about television

Contoh Analytical Exposition Bahasa Inggris Terbaru 

Television is one of the great invention in the world. But lately television programme in Indonesia is far from education aspect. We must think more about the benefit of TV shows for us, especially for our children's development. This should be the main focus of KPI to evaluate the TV shows. The KPI should make the strict rules for the TV stations, not just gives a warning letter only.

The number of irregularities of TV stations is the impact of the lack of traction from KPI in providing the strict rules and punishment againts the TV stations. A lot of people have given the criticism and protests over TV shows that are far from the manner of our country. Many private TV broadcast the programme which should not be shown, such as Reality show, infotainment about celebrity, inappropriate news, crap soap opera which does not educate at all, until the commercial breaks during television shows

The TV shows entertainment such as soap opera, reality show can boost the television ratings than broadcast news. The owners do not care about the impact of bad TV shows as long as they gain much from it .Entertainment shows seem to have busted a number of social rules that apply to our Eastern societies. Not least, the story sometimes shows romance story that does not educate. The story of a pregnant woman before marriage, a child born out of marriage is still  considered a disgrace behavior.

In addition,  a lot of crimes that arise due to the influence of the TV show. I.e the family issues, such as affairs, family violence, fights between schools or groups, even to sexual harassment and assassination. It all starts from a TV show that has strayed far from the norms of religion and state.

Based on the reason above, the government (KPI) should make the strict rules and punishment against the irregularities of TV shows.

Nah itu dia contoh analytical exposition bahasa Inggris tentang televisi terbaru. Semoga bisa membantu kalian semua dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris, khususnya dalam membuat contoh analytical exposition. Jangan lupa baca artikel bahasa Inggris lainnya di sini ya: Kumpulan artikel bahasa Inggris berbagai tema terbaru. Semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih.

Contoh Analytical Exposition Bahasa Inggris Terbaru dan Artinya | Unknown | 5


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