Cerita Keong Mas Dalam Bahasa Inggris (Dongeng Rakyat)

Cerita Keong Mas Dalam Bahasa Inggris - Berbagi legenda rakyat Indonesia untuk dongeng anak. Negara kita memang banyak memiliki legenda bahkan hampir setiap daerah. Jadi wajar jika banyak pelajaran sekolah yang mengambil tema ini. Apalagi ini merupakan sarana untuk melestarikan cerita rakyat. Namun, kita temui beberapa murid yangtidak mengerti ketika bertemu dengan cerita bahasa inggris. Sebenarnya yang dibutuhkan adalah membaca reading text dengan teratur. Sehingga para murid akan terbiasa ketika membacanya. Untuk itu saya akan membantu para murid dan guru yang ingin mempersiapkan bahan pembelajaran ini. Beriktu cerita keong mas bahasa inggris untuk kamu.

Cerita Keong Mas Dalam Bahasa Inggris (Dongeng Rakyat)

Cerita Keong Mas Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk Dongeng Rakyat

The Golden Snail
One time, there was a young couple who lived in  big palace. They were a king's son named Prince Raden Putra and his wife named Dewi Limaran. 

One day, they were walking around the flower garden. Then, Dewi Limaran saw a snail which is disgusting and ugly. 

"Iiih!! It is so ugly and I hate it." Said Dewi. Then she stepped on the snail and threw it to the river.
Actually, the snail was an powerful witch who meditiated. The witch was very angry to Limaran. She spelt a mantra to change Limaran into the golden snail. Then, she threw Limaran to the river as a revenge.

Limaran had been drifted by the river's stream until a net caught her. A old fisher-woman was fishing in the river with a net. She was upset because she could get any fish. Yet, she took the golden snail into her house. In the next morning, she was so shocked that her house was so tidy. There were also some food on the table. 

"Who did this?" She was thinking hardly

Day after day, it happened again every morning. She could take away her curiosity. One night, she wanted to know the answer who did this kindness to her. So, she stay up the night. She was hiding under the table. Then, she saw the golden snail turned into a beautiful woman. She could not believe it. 

"Who are you? Why you come to my house?" Asked her
"Forgive me, My name is Dewi Limaran. There was a evil witch who cursed me. I can only change into human in night. In the day, I will turn into a golden snail that you saved from the river." explained her.

Dewi Limaran also told her that she was a wife of prince Raden Putra. So, the old woman went to the place. She told everything about Limaran to him. Hearing the explanation made the prince very happy. He hda been looking Limaran every corner.

Raden Putra took some days to prayed and meditated. He asked the Gold's help. After sveral days, the answer came to him. He found a Holy Gamalen in the forest. He immediately brought it to woman's house. He played in the day and night. In the next day, the amazing gift happened. The golden snail turned into Dewi Limaran.

They were very happpy that could meet again. They also thanked the old woman who had helped Limaran. She was taken into the palace. Then, they were living happily forever.

Demikian cerita keong mas dalam bahasa inggris untuk para pelajar. semoga salah satu dongeng yang termasuk narrative text ini. Dapat membantu kamu untuk menambah pengetahuan legenda rakyat Indonesia.
Cerita Keong Mas Dalam Bahasa Inggris (Dongeng Rakyat) | Unknown | 5


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