40 Contoh Kalimat Past Tense (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous)

 Contoh kalimat past tense . Bagi kalian yang sudah mengetahui pengertian dan rumus past tense baik simple past tense, past continuous, past perfect, maupun past perfect continuous, tentu akan sangat mudah dalam membuat contoh kalimat past tense. Namun bagi kalian yang masih bingung, sebenarnya past tense itu tense yang seperti apa sih? Nah pasti akan kesulitan dalam menentukan tense apa yang akan digunakan ketika mendapatkan tugas membuat kalimat bahasa Inggris, khususnya tentang past tense. Namun sebenarnya materi bahasa Inggris tenses itu sangatlah sederhana dan mudah dimengerti. Sesederhana apa sih? Yuk kita intip lagi artikel tentang tenses berikut ini: Hal yang wajib diketahui tentang 16 tenses.

Gimana sudah dibaca? Kalau sudah sekarang kita akan fokus pada contoh kalimat past tense. Past tense terbagi menjadi 4 (simple past, past continuous, past perfect, dan past perfect continuous). Nah kita akan mencoba berlatih membuat contohnya masing-masing dari bagian tersebut ya. Yuk langsung saja.

contoh kalimat past tense 

40 contoh kalimat past tense (simple, continuous, perfect, perfect continuous)

1. Contoh kalimat simple past tense

Simple past tense untuk aktivitas sederhana yang kita lakukan di waktu lampau. Time signalnya berupa: Yesterday, last..., ...ago, in 1990, this morning.
1. She visited me last night.
2. Two days ago, I watched Stand by me, Doraemon movie with her.
3. Did you bring my book that you borrowed last month?
4. Sorry, I didn't bring it. I was in hurry to come here yesterday.
5. I didn't meet her last night, she was in the 3rd floor and I was in the 4th floor.
6. Ronaldo scored one goal against Atletico Madrid in the final of CL last year.
7. They were not at the class when miss Yeni came to teach yesterday.
8. How did you study English? You always get a high score.
9. I learnt it from the site Carabelajarbahasainggrisoke.com 
10. It was an awesome website to learn English easily.

2. Contoh kalimat past continuous tense

Past continuous tense untuk aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung di waktu lampau. Time signal (keterangan waktu) yang digunakan ada dua: menggunakan jam at..., when dan while

1. We were watching football match at 3 am.
2. She was cleaning her room when her mother asked her help.
3. Rere and her father were playing table tennis at 8 am last Sunday.
4. When he visited her, she was having dinner with her friends outside.
5. My brother was reading a novel while my sister was watching the movie.
6. What were you doing at 9 pm last night?
7. I was having conversation with my family at 9 pm last night.
8. Balotelli was listening to his Ipod when Gerrard advised him to practice harder.
9. They were not studying English at 8 am this morning.
10. We were having a trip to Bali when miss Riana got a car accident yesterday.

3. Contoh kalimat past perfect tense
Past perfect tense untuk menjelaskan aktivitas yang telah selesai dilakukan di waktu lampau sebelum melakukan aktivitas lainnya. Misalnya, "saya telah mandi pagi sebelum berangkat sekolah". ada dua aktivitas, mandi dan berangkat sekolah. Nah, tentu sebelum berangkat sekolah kita telah mandi terlebih dulu. Nah disitulah fungsi dari past perfect tense. Time signalnya: before dan after, when.

1. I had taken a bath before I went to school.
2. Before she visited me, she had prepared some surprise for me.
3. I had studied hard before I got the highest score in my school.
4. Before she got a car accident, she had drunk too much.
5. After I had graduated from college, I got married her.
6. Dani tried to propose her after he had got a freelance job.
7. She wanted to go to Bali after she had married me.
8. After we had played futsal, we went swimming.
9. We had bought some meal when he came late.
10. When she came to my house, I had finished doing my homework. 

Note: Perhatikan kalimat setelah before/when + simple past, sedangkan after + past perfect.

4. Contoh kalimat past perfect continuous tense

Past perfect continuous tense digunakan untuk aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung selama beberapa lama (durasi) di waktu lampau. Perbedaan antara past continuous dan past perfect continuous terletak pada durasi waktunya saja. Time signalnya: for... (waktu), when, since.

1. I had been studying Math for 3 hours when she invited me to refresh my mind.
2. She had been skyping with a foreigner since I went shopping two hours ago.
3. Dhila had been teaching toddlers for 2 hours when I asked her help.
4. I had been staying here for 4 years when you moved here.
5. Ron had been loving Harmione since he met her for the first time.
6. You hadn't been studying English for 2 weeks, had you?
7. When her mom left her, she had been sleeping for 7 hours.
8. Fikri had been sobbing alone since Fitri left him.
9. How long had you been washing your car?
10. I had been washing my car for 45 minutes.

Note: Setelah since dan when + simple past.

Itulah tadi contoh kalimat past tense (simple, continuous, perfect, dan perfect continuous). Semoga dengan contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris tersebut, kalian dapat memahami tentang past tense dan mampu membuat contoh kalimatnya. Terimakasih.
40 Contoh Kalimat Past Tense (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous) | Unknown | 5


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