Contoh Story Telling Timun Mas Dalam Teks Pendek

Story Telling Timun Mas - Contoh teks storytelling dalam bahasa inggris yang pendek dan singkat. Salah satu cara meningkatkan kemampuan speaking adalah dengan story telling. Kamu diwajibkan untuk bisa menyampaikan cerita bahasa inggris secara lisan didepan orang. Tentu untuk melakukan itu tidak boleh sembarang membaca saja. Bahkan kamu malah tidak boleh membaca sama sekali. Lalu bagiamana agar kamu dapat sukses melakukan story telling. Intinya adalah persiapan yang cukup. Kamu dapat menyiampakan cerita dalam bentuk teks story telling. Sehingga kamu dapat laithan penyampaian dengan baik. Jika kamu masih dalam tahap level beginner atau pemula. Lebih baik memulai menyari contoh story telling yang singkat terlebih dahulu.

Disini saya akan berbagi teks story telling example singkat untuk kamu. Didalamnya terdapat cerita rakyat Indonesia atau legenda timun mas. Mungkin sudah banyak dari kamu yang sudah mengetahui seperti apa jalan ceritanya. Namun jika kamu disuruh guru atau orang lain menceritakan dalam bahasa inggris. Belum tentu kita semua dapat melakukan dengan baik. Oleh karena itu untuk membantu persiapan kamu. Saya akan memberikan naskah pendek yang saya harapkan dapat bermanfaat. Berikut ini adalah story telling timun mas dalam teks pendek.

Contoh Story Telling Timun Mas Dalm Teks Pendek

Timun Mas

On the edge of the jungle in java, there was a poor widow named Mbok Rondo lived alone. She had no children and felt so lonely after her husband passed away. One day, she prayed and begged to the God for a child she really wanted to live with. Days flew away and turned into weeks but she never gave up for asking what she need so much. Her tears fell and fell in her pray until one day a dream came to her. She thought that if it was a sign for her that led her to go deeply to the jungle.

Then she found something covered just as her dream under a tree. She opened it carefully and felt confused realizing that it was just a cucumber seed. She did not know what she had to do until Buto Ijo, a green-skinned scary giant, approached and stood behind her. The giant told that if Mbok Rondo wanted to have a child, she must plant the cucumber seed and nurture the child until grown up at 17 years old and then gave it back to him to be eaten. Desperation made her thought unwisely and she felt had no chance, so that she agreed to the giant.

She went back to home happily and then planted it near her house. She spent her days by nurturing the plant imaging the happy days she would get later. Finally, the cucumber grown up and there was a huge cucumber among them. Mbok Rondo then opened it and found that there was a baby inside it. She named it Timun Mas.
Timun Mas grew as a beautiful and cheerful girl. She was so kind and loved Mbok Rondo so much. Mbok Rondo felt happiness that she hoped for long time ago. But everything had changed when a week before Timun Mas getting to 17 years. Buto Ijo came and reminded that a week later Mbok Rondo should gave him back Timun Mas to him because it would be her 17th birthday. Mbok Rondo cried aloud remembering her promise to the giant but Buto Ijo did not care about that. He just leaved Mbok Rondo and laughed along the way.

Her happiness suddenly changed into sorrow. She could not sleep at night and her heart was very sick until one-day good news came for her. An old hermit could help her. Curiously, she came and told her problems to him. The hermit gave four small pocket consisted cucumber seeds, needles, salts, and shrimp paste for to throw them when the giant approached Timun Mas.

Finally, the day came. Timun Mas ran and ran fast realizing that Buto Ijo appeared and started chasing her brutally. She was almost chased by the giant and then she began with throwing cucumber seeds. Suddenly there were many cucumbers trapped and blocked the giant for a moment. The plants were destroyed and the giant began to chase her again. When the giant almost chased her again, Timun Mas spread the rest pockets. The needles turned into sharp bamboo forest and the salts turned into a sea drowned him. The giant was never given up so Timun Mas too. The last pocket used as the last weapon she had. The shrimp paste turned into boiling volcano mud where the giant trapped and disappeared forever. At the end, Timun Mas back to the house safely and lived with Mbok Rondo happily ever after.

Demikian contoh story telling timun mas dalam teks pendek. Semoga dapat bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan speaking. Untuk kamu yang masih ingin belajar dengan naskah singkat lainnya. Silahkan cek di kumpulan storytelling bahasa inggris terbaik
Contoh Story Telling Timun Mas Dalam Teks Pendek | Unknown | 5


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