Narrative Text Example Tentang Aladin (Dongeng Bahasa Inggris)

Narrative Text Example Aladin - Berbagi contoh teks narratif atau dongeng bahasa inggris terbaru. Belajar tidak hanya harus dengan grammar terus. Kamu dapat menemukan banyak cara yang lebih menarik dan kreatif di pembelajaran. Salah satunya adalah dengan membaca cerita bahasa inggris. Benar seperti pepatah dengan membaca kamu dapat membuka jendela dunia. Begitu juga dalam urusan belajar, dengan membaca kamu akan membuka kesempatan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan penting seperti kosa kata dan grammar. Mengingat pentingnya cerita ini untuk memberikan efek positif. Maka saya akan mengambil tema tentang salah satu reading text. Dengan berbagi narrative text aladin untuk kamu.

Narrative Text Example Aladin atau Cerita Dongeng Bahasa Inggris

Narrative text example yang akan saya berikan dibawah ini. Merupakan contoh dongeng bahasa inggris. Biasanya kita hanya membaca cerita rakyat Indonesia. Namun, kali ini kita akan medalami bagaimana dongeng orang barat tentang aladin yang memang sudah cukup terkenal didunia. Narrative text Aladin ini bertemakan daerah asia timur tengah. Dimana ada seorang pria muda bernama Aladin yang mendapat lampu ajaib berisi Jin. Bagaimana dengan cerita yang lebih lengkapnya. Berikut ini narrative text aladin atau dongeng bahasa inggris.

Narrative Text Example Tentang Aladin (Dongeng Bahasa Inggris)
Aladin And His Magic Lamp

A long time ago, there was a young man live in Persia. He lived with his mother in the small house. One day, there was an old man visited them. He said he was Akadin's uncle and wanted to take Aladin to the town. He need Aladin's help for working in the store. Aladin's mother gave him a permission. So they went to the town in next morning. The way to the town is so far. In the middle way, aladin said to his uncle that he need some rest. Yet, his uncle yelled at him and told him to find some firewoods. If he did not want, his uncle would kill him. After Aladin found some firewoods and gave to his uncle. He was so surpised when his uncle took a magic wand. His uncle said a matra and the fire was appeared to burn firewoods. Aladin has realised that he was not his uncle but a witch.

Next day, the witch witch asked him to enter the cave.
"Get me an antique lamp in this cave!" yelled the witch.
"No, I am afraid." Begged Aladin.
"Take this magic ring that will protect you inside" said witch.
Aladin entered the cave fearly. When he reached at the bottom of the cave, he found a lamp that shined brightly.
"Hurry give that gem to me!" Said witch
"No, I will give it after I am out of here" Said Aladin
Suddenly, the door of the cave was closed and Aladin was trapped in there.

After trapped for many hours, he became hungry. "I am so hungry, please help me God" cried him. Suddenly, there was a big smoke came from the lamp. Then, a big jinn appeared in front of him.
"Forgive me master, I make you scared. I am a jinn of this lamp. I will help you, just say what you need and I will grant it." Say the jinn.
"So, can you take me home?" Asked him
Then, within a second he arrived at his home. The jinn told him if he need a hep, aladin must rub the lamp and the jinn would came to help him.

In short time, he became a richest man in the town. Every time he need something, he just called a jinn and his need would be granted. One day, he met a king's daughter. He want to marry her. Then, he came to the palace to meet the king.
"My king, these are the gifts for you" he gave the king many jewels.
The king was very happy. He said that he would marry him with his daughter, but he wanted to see Aladin's castle first.

So, Aladin came to his house and grabbed the magic lamp. He asked the jinn to make a big castle. Then, their house changed into a big castle. Next day, the king and his daughter came to visit. King was so amazed with his castle.
"You have a big castle, can you make my daughter as your wife? asked the king. Aladin was very pleased. So, they were married.

The witch saw aladin's castle. He knew that Aladin used the magic lamp. One day, he came to the castle. Aladin was gone to the town. So, the witch met the princess and told her that he could change the old lamp with the new one. The princess agreed and she gave it to the witch. Immediately, the witch rubbed magic lamp and the jinn appeared. He ordered jinn to change his house to Aladin's castle. He also wanted Aladin's wife as his princess.

Then, aladin came back from the town. He was surprised that his wife and casltle were gone. Then, he planned to steal magic lamp from the witch. In th nights while witch was sleeping. He sneaked out into witch's room and stole magic lamp. He grabbed and rubbed it. After, the jinn appeared, he ordered him to get rid of the witch. The wicth woke up and attacked Aladin with his dagger. But, jinn protected Aladin and hit the witch. The light came to witch and slammed him. He was disappeared with jinn's magic. Then, Aladin and his princess lived happy together. They also use the magic lamp to help the poor people.

Demikian narraive text aladin yang dapat saya berikan. Dengan membaca salah satu contoh dongeng bahasa inggris ini. Semoga kamu dapat menambah wawasan pelajaran. Jangan lupa untuk tetap semangat membaca narrative text example yang lainnya. Seperti Contoh Cerita Legenda
Narrative Text Example Tentang Aladin (Dongeng Bahasa Inggris) | Unknown | 5


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