Contoh Story Telling Fabel (About Animal) bahasa Inggris

Contoh story telling fabel bahasa Inggris - Apa sih fabel itu? Mungkin ada sebagian dari teman-teman yang masih belum mengerti maksud dari cerita fabel. Fable atau fabel adalah bagian dari cerita narasi (narrative text) yang berisi tentang cerita binatang yang mempunyai sifat manusia, mereka bisa berbicara dan melakukan aktivitas layaknya manusia. Seperti cerita kancil yang sudah melegenda di dunia anak-anak. Namun ternyata tidak hanya cerita kancil saja lho. Ada banyak sekali cerita fabel yang bisa kita ambil dari berbagai negara. 

Nah, kali ini saya akan memberikan cerita fabel bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk contoh story telling fabel terbaru. Semoga dengan cerita storytelling tersebut bisa menambah ide kalian ya. Yuk langsung kita lihat bersama.

Contoh Story Telling Fabel (About Animal) 
Contoh Story Telling Fabel (About Animal)

Contoh Story Telling Fabel bahasa Inggris (about animal)

once upon a time, there was a mouse deer who was the most cunning animal in the forest. Many animals asked him to help if they had a problem. Although everyone counted on him, he wasn't arrogant. Even he helped them sincerely.

One day. he took a walk in the forest to find some food. the weather was so hot and he had walked for a long. It caused him so thirsty that he tried to find the nearest river to take a rest. After surrounding the forest he finally found a river. without having wasted time, he drank it up. the cold water relieved his thirsty. 

He kept walking down the river bank. He still didn't find the meal. If he felt tired, he rested briefly under the shady tree. He said to him self,"I have to be patient if I want to get a delicious meal". Having been fresh again, he walked a long the river bank and suddenly he saw an orchard with some ripe fruits across the river. "How delicious if I can cross this river and enjoy those ripe fruits. Bu I can't swim". He thought.

He kept thinking  to find a way to cross the very deep river. Suddenly he looked at a crocodile sunbathing in the river bank not so far from his standing. It had become crocodile's habit when the day was hot. Then he approached the sunbathing crocodile and said,"O my friend, Sang Buaya, how are you today?". The crocodile who was enjoying the sunshine opened his eyes and looked at the mouse deer who greeted him. "I am fine, friend. the crocodile replied. "What caused you to come here?". the crocodile asked. "I have a good news for you", said the mouse deer. Hearing that, the crocodile can wait knowing the good news. Then the crocodile said,"Tell me what you want to say".

The mouse deer said,"I was ordered by King Sulaiman to calculate the number of crocodiles lived in this river. Because the king wanted to give a gift to you all". Hearing the King's name and gift. the crocodile replied,"All right, wit a minute, I will go down to the river and call all my friends". Meanwhile, the mouse deer had dreamed to enjoy the fruits. After a minute, all the crocodiles were in the surface of river. The mouse deer said,"Hi crocodiles.  I have been instructed by the king Sulaiman to calculate you all. The king will give you a special gift today". "Please march from here to the next rock across the river".

They immediately made a line without having argument since the command from the king. "Now calculate us, we have marched". Said crocodile. The mouse deer took a piece of wood and then jumped to the top of the first crocodile. He began to count them by yelling. When he came across the next river bank happily and said,"Hi crocodiles, you know that I have deceived you all and no prize will be awarded by the king". Hearing that, all crocodiles got angry and felt embarrassed. They swore that they would not let the mouse deer if they met someday. Meanwhile the mouse deer began to eat the ripe fruits he had dreamed. 

Nah itulah contoh story telling Fabel (about animal) yang bisa saya berikan. Semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih.
Contoh Story Telling Fabel (About Animal) bahasa Inggris | Unknown | 5


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