Contoh kalimat past continuous tense – Sebelum kita mempelajari contoh kalimat past tense nya, yuk kita pelajari dulu pengertian past continuous tense itu seperti apa. Kalau kita artikan per kata, Past (lampau), continuous (sedang berlangsung, terjadi), dan tense (waktu), maka past continuous tense menunjukkan aktivitas kita yang sedang berlangsung atau terjadi di waktu lampau. Hal ini sangat berbeda dengan present continuous tense ya. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.
Saya sedang membaca artikel tentang tenses sekarang
Saya sedang membaca artikel tentang tenses pada jam 7 malam kemarin.
I am reading a paper about tenses right now
I was reading a paper about tenses at 7 p.m yesterday.
Pertanyaannya, apa yang berbeda dari kedua kalimat tersebut? Yup benar sekali, jawabannya ‘Waktu’ atau time signal. Dalam past continuous tense harus jelas kapan aktivitas itu terjadi. Harus ada kata keterangan waktunya (definite time signal). Ada dua macam definite time signal. Yang pertama adalah menggunakan jam, sedangkan yang kedua menggunakan kata penghubung when dan while. Nanti akan kita pelajari bersama.
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Contoh kalimat past continuous tense
Contoh kalimat past continuous tense menggunakan jam
I was studying Math at 8 p.m last night.
They were playing futsal at 9 a.m last Sunday.
We weren’t watching TV at 10 o’clock yesterday morning.
She and he were having dinner together at 9 p.m last Saturday night.
Was Adam washing his clothes at 3 p.m yesterday?
No, Adam wasn’t washing his clothes at 3 p.m yesterday but he was helping his father.
You were looking at her at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon, weren’t you?
Yes, I was looking at her at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
Contoh kalimat past continuous tense menggunakan when and while
My mother was cooking in the kitchen when my father suddenly came home after 3 months sailing.
Andi was sleeping in the dining room when Rani visited him yesterday.
When Susi got a car accident last week, we were travelling to Bali.
When they were busy to talk the problem, I was thinking the solution.
My sister was cleaning the room while I was watching movie.
While she was taking a bath, her sister came from Jakarta.
While we were singing together, she decided to go home.
Arda Turan failed to reach the next level while we were enjoying our graduation day.
Note: Pada umumnya, setelah conjunction when menggunakan simple past tense, sedangkan setelah while selalu menggunakan past continuous tense.
Past continuous tense when simple past tense
When simple past tense, past continuous tense
Simple past tense while past continuous tense
While past continuous tense, simple past tense
Past continuous tense while past continuous tense
Contoh soal past continuous tense menggunakan wh-question words
They were eating fried rice in the canteen at 10 am yesterday.
a b c d e f
a. Who was eating fried rice in the canteen at 10 am yesterday?
b. What were they doing in the canteen at 10 am yesterday?
c. What were they eating in the canteen at 10 am yesterday?
d. Where were they eating fried rice at 10 am yesterday?
e. What time were they eating fried rice in the canteen yesterday?
f. When were they eating fried rice in the canteen?
Itulah contoh kalimat past continuous tense beserta penjelasan singkatnya, semoga bermanfaat. Jangan lupa baca juga contoh kalimat past perfect tense. Yah untuk menambah pengetahuan kalian tentang contoh kalimat past tense. Terima kasih.
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