Story Telling Malin Kundang - Menyampaikan cerita dengan lisan adalah definisi storytelling. Ini merupakan salah satu cara untuk siswa dalam meningkatkan kemampuan speaking. Jadi untuk kamu yang ingin memperlancar saat berbicara menggunakan bahasa inggris. Kamu dapat membuat teks story telling lalu lalu mencoba untuk menceritakannya didepan orang. Ada banyak sekali tema storytelling yang dapat kita ambil sebagai contoh. Kamu dapat mengampil dari cerita bahasa inggris dari luar negeri atau Indonesia. Untuk negara kita ada banyak contoh dari cerita legenda seperti malin kundang, tangkuban perahu, dan danau toba. Dan untuk teks yang akan saya berikan kali ini. Saya mengambil tema dari story telling Malin Kundang singkat dalam bahasa inggris.
Didalam teks story telling bahasa inggris tidak hanya bercerita dengan membaca saja. Namun, biasanya kamu harus menceritakan semua kejadian dengan berakting. Dengan begitu para pendengar akan menerima dengan mudah dan menarik apa yang kamu sampaikan. Banyak ada beberapa orang yang sampai memperaktekkan kejadian didalam cerita story telling. Intinya kamu harus sebisa mungkin menceritakan tanpa terpaku dengan membaca. Saya akan membantu kamu yang sedang mempersiapkan naskah dan teks. Berikut ini contoh malin kundang story telling.
Contoh Story Telling Malin Kundang Bahasa Inggris
A long times ago in West Sumatra, there was a young man named Malin Kundang. He had a father who worked as a fisherman. However, his father never came back home. Malin only lived with his mother in a small house. People in his village made an issue about his father's death. It made her mother worried every day.
"Mother, do not worry, father will be back tomorrow. You have to continue your life. Don't be sad" Said Malin
"I am anxious about the issue people made."
"You shouldn't care about them, try to do something that useful. So, you can forget about it" Asked Malin
Several days later, she decided to forget about the issue. She realised that she had to continue her family life and made some money for living. She worked hard day and night. But, she still could make enough money. Malin couldn't make her mother more suffer. So, he decided to find a job in town.
"Mother, we can't do this anymore. I have to work in town. So, we can get enough money for living."
"I have lost your father, and I am afraid that you leave me too."
"Do not worry mother. I have to lift our pride. I can make much money and give a better life to you" Malin calmed her
"Okay, but you have to promise to come back to me after your become a rich man."
"I promise"
After one year, Malin become a successful businessman in town. He had married with the most beautiful girl in town. One day, Malin has a business call in his hometown island. So, he sailed with his big boat to his hometown. In the island he met his mother. But, he was shame and afraid if her wife know the fact that he was from poor family.
"Malin, finally you come back to your home. I am worried about you."
"Who are you old woman?" Do not act like you know me."
"Malin, I am your mother and you are my son. My only son"
"Hahaha, it is impossible that I have a poor mother like you. I am a son of rich and notable family. Step aside ugly woman."
"It's me, your mother, Malin."
"Guard, take this woman out from my view"
"Alright Malin, I will go. The richness has made you blind. You have broken your promise. I wish God give you a lesson. He will turn you into a stone!"
Next day, he finished his work and sailed back to the town. On the middle way, there are many big storms. The sky became so dark and the rain fell heavily. Then, their ship hit a big coral. His ship was crashed. Malin swayed to the shore. Then, something miraculous happened. He suddenly turn into a stone just as her mother's wish. Until now, Indonesian people notice it as Malin Kundang Stone.
Demikan contoh naskah story telling Malin Kundang bahasa inggris. Dengan ini semoga kamu dapat membuat teks story telling dengan mudah. Sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara atau speaking. Cek juga Story Telling Rapunzel Singkat
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