Contoh Review Text (Resensi) FIlm 5cm - Apabila kalian sedang mencari inspirasi sebuah contoh review text film Indonesia yang (lumayan) berkualitas, film 5cm bisa menjadi solusi kalian semua. karena kita tahu dunia perfilman Indonesia akhir-akhir ini menampilkan film-film horor yang diselingi adegan syur atau semi-porno. Imbasnya?? Tentu kita semua sudah tau akibat dari film-film tersebut dapat merusak generasi penerus bangsa. Namun ada beberapa film karya anak bangsa yang mempunyai kualitas bagus. Biasanya film tersebut diambil dari sebuah novel fenomenal, tengok saja film Assalamu'alaikum Beijing berasal dari goresan tinta emas mbak Asma Nadia, atau film Habibie dan Ainun karya tulisan sang cendekiawan BJ Habibie dan masih banyak sekali film-film berkualitas lainnya yang bisa kita jadikan contoh review text film.Namun tentu alur cerita yang disampaikan oleh novel lebih menarik dan menyentuh dibandingkan dengan versi filmnya.
Salah satu film (lumayan) berkualitas yang bisa kalian jadikan contoh resensi film adalah film 5cm. Nah saya akan mencoba mengulas film tersebut berdasarkan sudut pandang pribadi. Yuk kita simak bersama..
Salah satu film (lumayan) berkualitas yang bisa kalian jadikan contoh resensi film adalah film 5cm. Nah saya akan mencoba mengulas film tersebut berdasarkan sudut pandang pribadi. Yuk kita simak bersama..
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Contoh Review Text (Resensi) Film 5cm beserta Artinya
Have you ever felt flying to the highest point before finally knocked down to the lowest point? If not, maybe you'll soon feel it as soon as you wrestle with various promotion of a film which is said to be named as the most eagerly awaited film in 2012.
That is 5cm film, a film adapted from one of the works of young Indonesian novelist, Donny Dhirgantara. The fact that the 5cm is packaged nicely film can not be ignored. It is probably because of the selection of the simple theme but striking if compared to other films which are more inclined towards vulgarism. 5cm likes savanna for Indonesian movie lovers. Mahameru which is known vicious, hostile, also considered playing the role as the public interest puller. The natural beautiful view, the values of struggle, and education are summarized together with the highest peak in java to be another twist that also cause euphoria.
The language used to represent the idea of friendship is full of artful sense that makes the society is getting impatient waiting for a multi-dimensional format of what has impressed their mind. Some Trailer released by the Soraya Intercine creates its own sort of stimulant to the beautiful view of Mount Semeru.
The public expectations have already been so high. Unfortunately it had to be destroyed along with simultaneously screening in all cinemas in Indonesia. How could it not, if in his novel, Donny Dhirgantoro is considered in very capable of realizing the wildest fantasy with his tremendous words, then he also named as a playwright in the film. But he failed to deliver the value of beautiful imagination.
the story began with a group of teenagers consists of Genta, Arial, Ian, Riani, and Zafran who have been a friendship for years. The relationship developed to restrain one another. They spent too much time together so that they forgot that there was something beyond their friendship which is needed to accomplish. The saturation resulted a decision that during the next three months they would not communicate one another. They had to live their own life.
Genta (Fedi Nuril) as one of the central figures in 5cm, planned a very thrilling adventure to celebrate their comeback. And the celebration was climbing Mount Semeru, where Genta and his five friends would climb up to the top in the Indonesian independence day. A lot of thrilling adventure adorn their journey. The trip was not all about the celebration of their comeback together, but also about their feeling. The trip that awakened them that there was a hidden meaning behind their friendship existed for years. lots of loves actually rose during their trip.
Rizal Mantovani as director 5cm is rated successfully to present a spectacle that will be full of values, struggle, friendship also love. If satisfaction is only assessed in terms of stories and jokes in the style of the capital teenagers scattered in almost all scenes, this film is a success. But in fact, there are other factors that actually dimmed the echo the film already started running from the date of this 12-12-12.
Genta is a tough figure of experienced climber. Adventurous spirit flowed in his veins heavily, so the plan was related to its biggest-climbing world. From here one discrepancy began. Could Genta who was so fond of his friend decide on a reckless celebration? the Semeru mountain is not a simple field that could be passed by his friends, which incidentally do not have any climbing experience. Imagine the Ian, Riani, Arial and Dinda even released to the heavy terrain.
The worst actually happens at the end of scene, it violates the norms and values that evolves in the world of climbing. Climbing is an extreme sport that risks our life, there are several regulations relating to it. One of it is the mountain classification. either by the Sierra Club and the Yosemite Decimal System there are some fields that should not be passed by the ordinary people because of the hard terrain. Genta and his friends violated these rules and emerged as a hero who hoisted the red and white pillars at the highest peak in Java. Though logically, the flag raising Indonesia's independence day is the most important moment for all climbers. It is logic if Genta and friends are over dramatized described as alpha team mandated to rise it?
In spite of some awkward scene about Genta and his friends. this film is created to entertain us. There are some lessons provided, such as friendship, love, and togetherness that we have to keep it forever. This film is recommended to watch for those who have a friendship soul.
Demikianlah contoh review text film 5cm terbaik yang bisa saya berikan. Semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih. Jangan lupa baca artikel lainnya di blog kami
Rizal Mantovani as director 5cm is rated successfully to present a spectacle that will be full of values, struggle, friendship also love. If satisfaction is only assessed in terms of stories and jokes in the style of the capital teenagers scattered in almost all scenes, this film is a success. But in fact, there are other factors that actually dimmed the echo the film already started running from the date of this 12-12-12.
Genta is a tough figure of experienced climber. Adventurous spirit flowed in his veins heavily, so the plan was related to its biggest-climbing world. From here one discrepancy began. Could Genta who was so fond of his friend decide on a reckless celebration? the Semeru mountain is not a simple field that could be passed by his friends, which incidentally do not have any climbing experience. Imagine the Ian, Riani, Arial and Dinda even released to the heavy terrain.
The worst actually happens at the end of scene, it violates the norms and values that evolves in the world of climbing. Climbing is an extreme sport that risks our life, there are several regulations relating to it. One of it is the mountain classification. either by the Sierra Club and the Yosemite Decimal System there are some fields that should not be passed by the ordinary people because of the hard terrain. Genta and his friends violated these rules and emerged as a hero who hoisted the red and white pillars at the highest peak in Java. Though logically, the flag raising Indonesia's independence day is the most important moment for all climbers. It is logic if Genta and friends are over dramatized described as alpha team mandated to rise it?
In spite of some awkward scene about Genta and his friends. this film is created to entertain us. There are some lessons provided, such as friendship, love, and togetherness that we have to keep it forever. This film is recommended to watch for those who have a friendship soul.
Demikianlah contoh review text film 5cm terbaik yang bisa saya berikan. Semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih. Jangan lupa baca artikel lainnya di blog kami
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