Contoh Essay bahasa Inggris tentang Pendidikan - Definisi essay dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) adalah karangan prosa yang membahas suatu masalah berdasarkan dari sudut pandang (opini) pribadi penulis. Artinya, essay adalah tulisan yang bersifat subjektif dan dalam penyampaiannya berupa argumentatif. Dalam bahasa Inggris, essay biasa disebut exposition text (analytical dan hortatory exposition). Dalam menyusun contoh essay bahasa Inggris kita harus memiliki pendapat yang kuat, sehingga tulisan kita dapat dipertanggung jawabkan.
Penyusunan essay bahasa Inggris sebenarnya sama seperti menulis contoh artikel bahasa Inggris pada umumnya. Hanya saja, seperti yang sudah dijelaskan, bahwa essay harus sesuai dengan pendapat pribadi si penulis. Sehingga, dalam sebuah essay harus berupa penilaian, pandangan, dan evaluasi si penulis terhadap suatu masalah yang sedang hangat terjadi. Misalnya pandangan pribadi tentang kisruh "KPK dan Polri", "banjir di Indonesia tanggung jawab siapa?", dan masih banyak sekali topik yang bisa kita jadikan contoh essay bahasa Inggris.
Menulis essay mempunyai tujuan untuk meyakinkan (convince) atau bahkan mempengaruhi (influence) pembaca untuk mempercayai pendapat kita tentang suatu masalah tersebut. Sehingga, opini yang kita sampaikan dalam essay hendaknya disertai dengan data atau fakta yang menguatkan agar pembaca yakin terhadap opini kita.
Contoh Essay Bahasa Inggris tentang Pendidikan di Indonesia
Formal education system in Indonesia is prone to various discourses and policies. it does not have a clear goal, because there is no strong foundation to strengthen the maintenance and development of the system. The education system changes rapidly but the essence of the changes is completely unclear, both its process and target without going through the planning solidity. When it is questioned: what is the urgency of the changes? The answer is simply spin on current trend or follow the other country. What is next?
Whatever the form of the formal education system that has been applied, the system has wasted our life for so long. We can see fro this data elementary school 6 years + 3 years (junior high) + 3 years (senior high) + 4 years (university). If it does not change the essence of education to lead the productivity, then there are 16 years from the average life time of the Indonesian population (67.9 years) to be wasted time. This is revealed because the fact of Indonesia's statistics show that the higher the level of education is, the lower figure independence. If formal education starts from the age of 7 years, it means that normal productivity will start after reaching the age of (7 + 16 =) 23 years, added with a waiting time for about 2 years, then, someone's productivity starts after reaching 25 years.
Associated with the length of time required in formal education, the main causes is that the focus of the educators on issues of internalization. its education system's product is abstract because it is measured by how embedded the knowledge on the learners. This causes them only know how to force the understanding into their head for a lot of subjects without giving the meaning of productivity. We agree to be satisfied with a capacity of understanding of those subject. In fact, the success of an education should not only be seen from the academic side. but also in terms of productivity and social life of the learners.
As presented by Tan Tanaka, "true education is to sharpen the mind and soften the feeling". But we can see the reality that exists today. How is the morale of students today? The majority of students have become consumerist, unfiltered imitators, so that they cannot differentiate between good and bad to follow. Then, who is to blame? Of course we can not blame the learners growing like that. They are just the victim of our poor education system. Not only the government (education ministry) and teachers, but also parents should involve in arrange the quality of education system. They should share a role in educating the students. Because their contribution in education influences the development of Indonesian teenagers today. If the problem of education is not immediately resolved, then our education we will continue to fail as always.
Nah itulaah contoh essay bahasa Inggris tentang pendidikan di Indonesia. Semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih.
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