Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Lingkungan - Berbagi naskah teks contoh pidato singkat dalam bahasa inggris tentang lingkungan hidup sekolah. Menjaga lingkungan hidup merupakan salah satu kewajiban bagi masyarakat. Bukan hanya itu, bagi seorang pelajar juga diharuskan untuk tetap menjaga lingkungan sekolah mereka agar tetap bersih dan rapih. Namun kenyataan berbanding terbalik dengan harapan dimana kita masih banyak menemukan berbagai masalah lingkungan. Suatu problem yang sering muncul dan dijadikan topik pembicaraan. Tentu ini cukup baik jika kamu sedang mencari topik dalam membuat naskah pidato. Seperti yang saya berikan contoh pidato dalam bahasa inggris tentang lingkungan.
Tujuan dari melakukan pidato bahasa inggris tentang lingkungan sudah jelas. Yaitu dengan berpidato kita telah berusaha untuk memberitahu dan menyadarkan para penonton tentang pentingnya lingkungan hidup untuk dijaga. Begitu juga bagi pelajar yang mendengar pidato bahasa inggris ini. Mereka diharapkan dapat mengerti akan tujuan utama dari pidato lingkungan sekolah. Sehingga lingkungan yang nyaman dan asri di sekolah dan hidup dapat tercipta.
Untuk menyadarkan penonton ketika mendengar pidato bahasa inggris tentang lingkungan. Kamu harus benar dan baik dalam penyampain pidato. Mulai dari pembukaan dan penutup pidato. Saat berpidato bahasa inggris kita tidak dapat dengan asal dalam melakukannya. Cara penyampaian dan membaca setiap kosa kata bahasa inggris harus dengan benar sehingga penonton dapat mengerti. Dalam pembacaan naskah pidato kamu juga tidak perlu terburu-buru. Sehingga kamu dapat berhasil memberikan makna dalam pidato. Berikut ini adalah contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang lingkungan hidup.
Contoh Pidato Tentang Lingkungan Hidup Bahasa Inggris
In this nice occasion, let me deliver my speech in the context of Our Environments. This speech is one of questions in my heart about our polluted environment. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to deliver a speech today. I will use this opportunity to invite you, my friends, to pay more attention about our environment.
Ladies and gentlemen
Actually, our environment always helps us for living. We drink water that comes from nature. We breathe the air is also sourced from nature. So is, the foods we eat. It is planted dan taken from nature. Environment has a great influence in our lives. We are very dependent on good environment.
Ironically, we always face many problems in this recent years. Our vehicles make many pollution that endanger environment. We know pollution is the source of many problems for our health.
Similarly with pollution, water resources are also threatened. We always find some rivers that was clean and net. Then it became dirty because of the garbage. Even when I was on my way here. I saw a river that is filled with trashes.
Dear Audience
They were just a few examples of how damage our environment is. We must be aware of this problem. Do not just keeping quite and doing nothing. We must pay attention to our environment. We must find solutions to improve our environment.
We can start planting a lot of trees as a source of oxygen. Do not litter. Our environment is one of our family that must be maintained properly. So, the various problems from bad environment can be reduced.
Ladies and Gentlemen
That is my short speech. I wish my speech about the environment can increase our awareness about environment. Because a clean environment is not only for us. But also for our children's future.
Ladies and gentlemen
Actually, our environment always helps us for living. We drink water that comes from nature. We breathe the air is also sourced from nature. So is, the foods we eat. It is planted dan taken from nature. Environment has a great influence in our lives. We are very dependent on good environment.
Ironically, we always face many problems in this recent years. Our vehicles make many pollution that endanger environment. We know pollution is the source of many problems for our health.
Similarly with pollution, water resources are also threatened. We always find some rivers that was clean and net. Then it became dirty because of the garbage. Even when I was on my way here. I saw a river that is filled with trashes.
Dear Audience
They were just a few examples of how damage our environment is. We must be aware of this problem. Do not just keeping quite and doing nothing. We must pay attention to our environment. We must find solutions to improve our environment.
We can start planting a lot of trees as a source of oxygen. Do not litter. Our environment is one of our family that must be maintained properly. So, the various problems from bad environment can be reduced.
Ladies and Gentlemen
That is my short speech. I wish my speech about the environment can increase our awareness about environment. Because a clean environment is not only for us. But also for our children's future.
Demikian contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang lingkungan sekolah. Ketika kita melihat berbagai permasalahan tentang lingkungan hidup. Maka salah satu cara untuk menyadarkan orang tentang bahaya ini dengan berpidato. Lihat juga pidato dalam bahasa inggris lainnya.
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